Friday, October 9, 2009


My family and I moved to Texas about 3 months ago from Berkeley California. My husband joined the Air Force as an attorney. We are stationed here for 2 years and then we'll be on our merry way to another location for another 2 years. We have 3 daughters.

As of now we are only committed for 4 years. But as time goes on we will figure this whole military thing out (ideally) and who knows where the road will take us. We could be in for 20 years or 4 years and no second longer!! I have always (always meaning the last year which is the time when my husband first mentioned the idea of the military as a profession) leaned toward 4 years and out but as our days in the service prolong, my husband leans toward 6-10 yrs. and to my surprise I feel indifferent for the time being.

From here on out I will refer to my husband as Top Gun, because who didn't love Tom Cruise in that movie. And no I'm not stupid I know he flew jets for the Navy in that movie but really it's all the same according to me.


  1. Thank you for starting this blog! I am the wife, but I am the one considering a career as an AF JAG. When your husband was away for COT and JAG school, how often were you allowed to see him? What are his general hours now? What do you love most/least about his career path? Thanks!

  2. Becca,
    My name is Erin. My husband and I are waiting to get his assignment to decide if he is going to join the Airforce JAG. I was wondering if you would mind emailing me at if it is not to much trouble. I have 3 kids as well and have some questions concerning family life and that process right before and after you join; I can't seem to find answers anywhere.

  3. I love, love, your blog! I felt like I needed to type in jag wives in google search and here was your blog! I am LDS as well, live in the bay area of California, Martinez to be exact, and my husband is a 3L. He never mentioned jag until a few months ago and just had an interview a couple weeks ago and said it sounds like something he really wants to do. SO many things that you have went through sounds a lot like how I can imagine our experience will be. We have four kids and about the time he graduates we will have our fourth. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about it all. He actually interviewed with the army so any insites into that would awesome! Thanks again!
