Friday, August 6, 2010 / Military only housing search website

Congrats to Amy and Tiffany for getting their assignments this week! I remember looking on the Internet for days trying to find out all the information I could on our current city. Each base has their own official military website. Essentially it's the name of the base followed by

Tiffany here is Kirtland's

Amy here is Offutt's

Also, if you are contemplating living off base there is a GREAT website only available to military families to search for housing. You have to register but then you'll be able to search homes for rent/sale in your new area. The website is Remember all homes listed are also owned by military members.

****Another website from a reader is


  1. Thanks!
    Tiffany's Husband and My Husband will be in the same COT class!

  2. Thanks for the Kirtland AFB info. I think I feel the same as you in that I want the base living experience at least once. I'm sure every base is different, but I am curious about the food situation and preschooling.
    Does your base have good restaurants and does your food allowance cover most of your family's needs? I envision the base having only one cafeteria with subpar food, but maybe I'm completely wrong. (I hope I am)
    Next question, my daughter is 3 and I'm hoping to have her in a preschool program similar to the one she's currently enrolled in. The base gave me information on 4 yrs old and above. Would I have to pay for a private education until she is 4 or are there programs in place besides just daycare on the base?
    I love you for doing this for us! Also, I hope to meet you and Amy one day :)


  3. I read your post about moving...
    Our circumstances are such that we are going to have the AF do all the moving of our stuff. We have a car with a ton of miles on it, If we want them to pull it on a trailer behind their moving truck, is that possible? If it is possible, do we have to pay for the trailer, even if some of our stuff is put in the car?
    Is their storage units that we pay for that they can put our stuff in for a month until we get to the base?
    Thanks for your help.

  4. Tiffany I will answer your question in a post of its own soon. (I'm headed on a night getaway with just Top Gun and I in just a few hours!!)

    Amy, the AF will NOT move any cars stateside. You must drive it yourself or pay for it to be shipped. They won't pull it behind a trailer either.

    When driving yourself weigh the car empty first at a weight station and then weigh it once you've filled it up with all your belongings, i.e. car seat, luggage etc. You will be paid for the weight amount and the miles you drove yourself in addition to perdium each day.

    I believe that the AF will pay to have your stuff in storage if you are not at the base by the time your household goods get there...this is if and only if the AF is moving you. But I would ask the TMO this question to be sure. With the website I sent you on your base look up "TMO office" and they should be able to answer that question for you.

  5. Another great site to help military and is owner by an active duty military member is Military For Sale by Owner. Take a look at
