Wednesday, May 4, 2011


There are so many posts I could do about moving/PCSing (permanent change of station). We are currently getting ready for our PCS to Germany this July. There is so much information I would like to share but I may not get to it until after our move is completed. Mainly because I don't have a lot of time (that seems to be a reoccurring theme!)

The good thing is when you PCS you are assigned a Sponsor from the base you are moving to. Usually it is another JAG. Some sponsors are better than others. As the spouse, I spoke with Top Gun's sponsor before we arrived here to Texas. I wanted to know about housing and schools. I mention this because don't be afraid to ask your spouse for their sponsors contact info so you can contact them with your questions. Top Gun was a sponsor last summer for a new JAG and his wife and I emailed back and forth a few times before she arrived. This will make you feel like you have a friend right when you arrive too.


  1. Just checking in :)
    My husband has been in JAG 6 months now and we're loving it!
    Excited to hear about Germany!

  2. I'm so glad you are loving it!! The military and particularly the JAG core is a great community.
