Sunday, January 8, 2012

Loan Repayment Program from Law Schools


Law Schools aren't going to hide this information. Ask any law school you are contemplating applying to if they offer any kind of loan repayment program if you chose to work for government or public interest groups. They are forthcoming about these programs during recruitment.

Either way, the Air Force now has a Loan Repayment Program for incoming JAG's. Just search my blog and you'll find the info regarding the LRP on my June 30th 2010 post.

Also, to quickly answer your other questions. Yes, as a JAG you are still susceptible to deployments and long separations. On a day to day bases, we see J plenty. But yes, he could and JAG's do, regularly deploy with the Air Force for 6 months. J also has TDY's (long separations as you put it in your question) anywhere from 1 day to his longest one thus far lasting 8 weeks. In his 3 years of service he's only had a handful of TDY's, which have mostly been 1 week long.

1 comment:

  1. We got selected in the December board! YAY! We feel very blessed. Anyway, now I am curious about information on the AF insurance. Do we pay monthly for it? Dental, vision, ect included? How does this stuff work?
