Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reimbursement of expenses

When does the military pay you for your moving expenses related to the timing of COT and JASCO?

I had a reader ask me this. You can ask the military for some money up front to cover cost of moving if you are doing a DITY move (Do it yourself). Contact your local base TMO office to ask specific questions. If the military is moving you then you will coordinate through your local base to have movers come and for them to order your plane tickets.

As far as receiving your per diems and travel expenses you'll incur, like taxi rides, etc. once you arrive to your permanent base the military member can file the claim to receive that money. This will vary from base to base but it took us about a month to see some reimbursements come in. It took nearly 3 months to receive our reimbursement for our DITY move...that was a pain. Again I could see smaller bases getting your money back to you sooner. Be prepared to potentially make a few trips to the finance office to get your money all sorted it.

1 comment:

  1. We are officially going JAG. We are in the process of updating our geo preferences and I am trying to find information on each base's specialty area of law. Is there anywhere to find that information???
